Are You Willing?

Are You Willing?

How much do you know about Jesus' mother, Mary? Was she the most popular girl in town? Was she the leader of something great? Was she really rich? No! Mary wasn't any of those things. She was actually a poor, young girl who lived in a village called Nazareth. Most people didn't think a whole lot of Nazareth. 

Mary was also a Jew which meant the Romans ruled over her. Back then, girls didn't get the best education, so Mary wasn't very educated. And since she was poor, the rich thought they were better than her. As you can see, Mary was about as simple a girl as you could find.

So, why do you think God chose her out of all the girls to be the mother of Jesus, His son? Well, Mary may have been plain and ordinary, but her heart was definitely not ordinary.

How do you think Mary felt when the angel came and told her that she was going to be the Mothe of Jesus? Of course, she knew her whole life was going to change and those changes were probably going to be hard! But she didn't question God and his plan. She didn't try to get out of it. She didn't tell God to use someone "better". In fact, she said, "I am the Lord's servant. Let this thing you have said happen to me!" (Luke 1:38) Then Mary PRAISED the Lord for choosing her to be a part of His plan.

God has plans for you, too - great plans that He needs you to be a part of. And He doesn't need you to be popular or a certain age or in charge of a big group. He doesn't need you to live in a big, fancy house or make straight A's or be the best on the team. He just wants you to have a heart like Mary. He wants you to be willing to be a part of His plan, willing to serve Him and a be an example to others. He just needs people who will say, "I will be your servant, Lord!" 


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